Monday, October 13, 2008

Country Weekend

Well it's been a few days since I have been on the computer but this is the fourth time I had to have reconstruction surgery on my right index finger. I am getting to be on a first name basis with everyone in the OR at Titus Regional Medical center. It has been very difficult to get things done and I am so far behind on things I need to do.

This past Saturday we had the annual Country Fest on the square in downtown Mt. Vernon. It was a perfect fall day with a beautiful clear blue sky and a light breeze. People were smiling and happy as little children made a game out of seeing how many free balloons they could collect. People were going booth to booth to find that perfect treasure for themselves or for friends and loved ones and even something that will hidden away for when Santa comes.

Sunday was a time for worship and fellowship. The day was going along smoothly when we noticed a few visitors in the pasture that didn't quite fit in with our beef cows. Hidden in the middle of the cows were three dairy cows that acted like they have lived here their whole lives. After a quick call to a neighbor, who is the owner of the escapees, we went out checking fences and couldn't find anything down. Our friend came over and our visitors were sent home. Later another neighbor called and had found a gate that had been pushed open and had fixed it so that ended the mystery of how the cows got in.

After a late dinner and a great conversation over coffee with our friends who own the dairy cows our day came to an end. It turned out to be a good day after all.

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